- I am 11 months old!
- I learned how to walk - though I still prefer to crawl
- I visited North Carolina and Georgia for the first time
- I am eating mostly table food
- I love yogurt, rice, bread and of course, CHEERIOS!
- I hate changing my clothes and prefer to be in my birthday suit
- I learned how to stand up in my crib and it keeps me from sleeping because I just walk around and around and around
- I like to crawl off my changing table and had a few close calls recently
- I love to walk aroundand around the table pushing everything off
- I still do not feed myself which drives my mom and dad crazy!
- I am 29.5 in and 20 lbs 10 oz - about the same size as cousin Noah
- I dance by shaking my tooshy when Daddy plays praise songs on his guitar
- I love computers and will crawl, walk, push to get to any keyboard
- Barnyard Dance
is my favorite book! I will drop everything to listen to mommy read it - My Aunt Karen gave me sort of a funky haircut and daddy thinks I look like a Romulan (not pictured here)
- I learned how to clap so I do it all the time! Especially when daddy is trying to feed me
Until next month! Can you believe I am turning 1 year old so soon? Feels like yesterday I was still in mommy's tummy...
awwww..... he's such a cutie!!!
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