Sunday, April 30, 2006

Baby Shower Mania

This weekend, our friends from T3 South (our bible study) threw us a co-Baby Shower. Three of the 12 or so couples in the group are pregnant all at once, and we are due within about 3 weeks of each other. It is funny because David and I are SO unprepared for this baby. We spent a lot of time making sure we had a good pregnancy by staying healthy and doing everything "by the book", but the reality that within 10 weeks a little baby will come home with us still has not hit us yet. Everyone kept asking if we had the baby's room ready yet. Um, nope. No crib, no changing table, and pretty much no change from when I got pregnant. We barely even put together a registry, and we only really did so at the request of the friends who planned the shower. I always have this crazy to do list especially since I am working on our 75+ new items for the summer CHA tradeshow, and I need to include a section for "nesting" and prepping for the baby. The other question that was asked a lot was the name. This one is hard. There is one name we are leaning towards, and wouldn't you know it? Caroline has it on her final list too! We have two cousins born within a month of each other (one in Hong Kong and one in the US) who have the same first name. Guess news did not travel as quickly back 40 years ago without email... The shower was definitely great fun! David lost in the baby bottle drinking contest, but has a decent showing on the safety pin/rice sifting. And I finally wore a dress for the first time in like 6 months. We stopped by Old Navy and there was a cute maternity dress for only $7! It sort of looks like the linked dress. I think I am getting totally sick of my maternity jeans, and I cannot wait to have my old body back. I will miss the baby, but I will *not* miss the hard kicking from my little soccer player. He has been kicking like he wants out, and I keep telling him to enjoy himself while he is in there because life out here is much harder. :) Everyone wants to grow up too quickly, even little babies in their mommy's tummy.


Blogger Shirley said...

Great pictures! As long as you have the car seat you'll be fine. At least you can leave the hospital then. LOL!

5/01/2006 06:12:00 AM  
Blogger Adrienne said...

Love the pics!!! You will be ready in NO time!

5/01/2006 06:38:00 AM  

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